What Causes Dry Eyes?

There are two main types of dry eye disease:  Evaporative and Aqueous Deficient dry eyes. In evaporative tears, the tears you produce evaporate too quickly. In aqueous deficient dry eyes, you don’t produce enough tears. The most common type of dry eye disease is evaporative dry eyes. In evaporative dry eyes, the tears produced are missing the oil layer that holds the watery layer on the eye. As a result, the tears evaporate very quickly. The missing oil layer is a result of clogged oil glands called Meibomian glands.
There are many triggers that can cause dry eye symptoms:
  • Environmental Factors:  Exposure to dry, windy or smoky air contributes to the evaporation of tears and can worsen dry eye symptoms.
  • Contact Lens Wear:  Wearing contact lenses can increase the risk of dry eye due to the decrease of oxygen to the cornea and reduced tear circulation.
  • Aging:  As we age, tear production decreases, leading to dry eyes.
  • Screen Time:  Prolonged periods of screen time on devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) reduces blink rate and leads to dry eyes. Blinking spreads tears to nurish the eyes.
  • Medications:   Medications such as antihistamines, antidepressants, decongestants, and hormone replacement therapies can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms.
  • Medical Conditions:  Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, thyroid disorders and rosacea are associated with dry eye disease.
  • Eyelid Conditions:  Conditions such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid), meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD) and floppy eyelids, disrupt the production of tears.
  • Hormonal Changes:  Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially women during pregnancy, menopause, or while taking birth control, can cause dry eye symptoms.
  • Allergies:  Allergic reactions in the eyes can cause irritation and dryness
  • Cosmetics:  Many cosmetics contain ingredients that are an irritant to the eyes and can result in dry eye conditions.
  • Over Use of Eye Drops:  Prolonged use of certain eye drops that contain preservatives can cause dry eye symptoms.
  • Eye Surgeries: Surgeries such as LASIK and Eyelid Lifting (Blepharoplasty) can affect tear production and distribution, causing a temporary or permanent dry eye condition.
Think you might have dry eyes? Schedule an appointment with Progressive Eye Center.
Read more about our available dry eye treatments on our Dry Eye page.

We will close Monday April 8 at 12:00pm to observe the Solar Eclipse and reopen at 3:00pm.