How Does COVID-19 Affect My Eyes?

Q: What should I do if I have an eye emergency while my eye doctor’s office is closed for social distancing?
  1. Go to and click the eyecare button. Here you can answer questions and be directed to the appropriate professional in your area for your emergency situation.
Q: Why isn’t my eye doctor’s office open at this time?
  1. The American Optometric Association in co-ordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have urged eye doctors to suspend routine eyecare while the nation is trying to #slowthespread and #flatten the curve. This is in an effort to keep you, your doctor, their employees and the general public safe and healthy.
Q: Does the novel corona virus affect eyes?
  1. From All About Eyes: Patients who have contracted the new coronavirus may have ocular symptoms. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the membrane covering the eyeball. It is often referred to as “pink eye.” Conjunctivitis often presents as an infected/red, “wet and weepy” eye. 
Viral conjunctivitis is known to present with upper respiratory infections (colds, flusetc.) and may be a symptom of the COVID-19 virus. A recent study of hospitals across China, published in the New England Journal of Medicine , found “conjunctival congestion” or red, infected eyes in 9 of 1,099 patients (0.8%) with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus.
A study in The Journal of Medical Virology  of 30 patients hospitalized for COVID-19,
only one patient diagnosed with conjunctivitis. Based on this information, the occurrence of 
Conjunctivitis is low. 
For additional information, click here.
Q: What about wearing my contacts, does that put me at higher risk?
  1. Healthy individuals can continue to wear contact lenses as prescribed by their eye doctor. To keep your contacts clean and your eyes healthy, the following steps should ALWAYS be followed, pandemic or no pandemic!
  • Clean and disinfect your contact lenses as directed by your eye doctor. And clean your case daily too! 
  • Dispose of contacts as directed. Don’t wear a daily lens for more than one day or a two week or monthly lens beyond the recommended length of wear.
If you have an eye related question, submit your question to
Please Note: Our experts do not provide medical advice on this platform. If you are experiencing signs/symptoms of a medical condition, seek medical attention with your eye care provider.


We will close Monday April 8 at 12:00pm to observe the Solar Eclipse and reopen at 3:00pm.